Thursday, September 10, 2015



What's all this Fiverr fuss about?
 I had to see for myself...

Being I'm a writer/proofreader and retouch artist/graphic designer, I decided to sign up on as a seller.  
Here's what I discovered...

Fiverr is a place you where you can ‘sell’ your skills or services, called 'GIGS' for a fixed price of $5 – you keep $4 (Fiverr keeps 20% of each sale). 
When someone buys whatever you’re offering to sell, they’ll pay to Fiverr first. Once you’ve completed the task at hand, $4 will be credited into your account.
 You can then withdraw your earnings via PayPal.

I also noticed that you can add two 'gig extras' as a new seller, yet can unlock ‘levels’ by selling more and more often on Fiverr, and more opportunities and tools will be opened for your use, such as adding more 'gig extras' and being able to showcase more than just three photos in your gigs.

I like the user interface and the blog and FAQs are chock full of useful information.

What I didn't like, was that I couldn't use stock photo backgrounds that I'd purchased to add my own art and fonts to, because it's considered copyright infringement to Fiverr, which it isn't, since it was purchased and not at all an infringement.  So I had to create all my backgrounds from scratch, which I actually enjoy, but I also like the option of having my stock backgrounds, so this left me somewhat dismayed.

I also did not like that the marketplace is not only extremely congested with mediocre and low level 'gigs', but also with overexposed 'featured' gigs, so it is nearly impossible as a new seller to be noticed by potential buyers.  This left me deeply disappointed.

Overall, I decided that despite its numerous hiccups, Fiverr still has a lot of promise for freelancers who need a platform to grow their brand and earn a little milk money in the meantime.

I'll keep you posted on my escapades in the coming weeks.

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