Saturday, September 12, 2015


For those of you concerned about what chemicals and impurities in cosmetics and beauty products, this is a homemade berry lip stain that actually works! It truly gives the perfect “just-bitten” hint of color to any pale lip! 

Here’s how to DIY:
INGREDIENTS: 3 Blackberries, 1 Raspberry, 3 Pomegranate Seeds, 1/2 teaspoon edible oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil works best), a small Bowl + Spoon (or mortar + pestle if you have them), Fork or Sifter to drain, small 5-gram Pot/Jar with screw top from any craft store.
STEP 1: Mash the blackberries and raspberry in the bowl thoroughly with the back of your spoon.
STEP 2: Add the pomegranate juice into the mixture by individually squeezing them between your thumb and index fingers over the bowl.
STEP 3: Pour the olive oil into the bowl and stir everything together with your spoon.
STEP 4: Finish by draining the liquid from the mixture into your small portable jar.
For application, use your fingers, a lip brush or a Q-tip. 
It’ll only be good for a few days so refrigerate it for longevity. 
Have a ball with a bunch of different berries!  
Try blueberries, or Pomegranate or cranberries!
You’ll get the most color payoff from the blackberries, though-- promise.

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