Friday, October 2, 2015


My Twenty Festival Essentials When I'm Selling My Handmade Jewelry

1)  TIME!:   Time is of the essence...  Even with the bare necessities, like order book, calculator, folding tables, display racks, labels, table cloths, tent, walls, weights, chair, etc....  TIME is the most important thing we all need and have in all we do.  Especially when you have to load and unload goods into your car, set up your tent, displays and tables, arrange your workstation, and more small, yet time-consuming things.  Many people either overlook or underestimate the need for time.
2)  BUSINESS CARDS:  Always bring business cards!  Even just at social events and private gatherings.  You never know who may need a handmade gift!  You'll also want to network with other artisans, style bloggers and industry professionals.

3)  SIGN UP BOOK:  A sign up book is a marketing necessity to collect email addresses for future marketing and return sales.  This may seem optional, but if you want to keep thriving as a business, you'll soon realize that most of your sales come from returning customers, like I soon realized.
4)  PRICE TAGS:  You would think this was common sense, but I can honestly say about half of the handmade sellers I've purchased from at festivals did NOT have price tags!  I prefer to have clear prices for customers to see, so they don't have to ask every time how much an item is, and this way, I can focus on other tasks while selling my jewelry.  I cannot stress enough how important and professional it is to have price tags displayed!

5)  PHONE LOADED WITH SQUARE:  I love processing my orders with Square.  It's easy, cheap and convenient.  I can accept all major credit cards and the money is directly deposited into my bank account the next day. 

6)  MONEY POUCH W/CASH:  No credit card?  No problem!  I accept cash and know to bring change in case you hand me a big bill, and of course a pouch to keep my earnings in.

7)  SHOPPING BAGS:  This should go without saying, but you'd be shocked to know how many times I've had to purchase from handmade goods dealers that had no shopping bags or had run out of them.  Whether purchasing a single piece or indulging in a shopping spree, it's important to provide your customer the convenience of a shopping bag (I also include receipts and $2.50 gift wrap) to carry their precious new purchases from your shop.  Always have plenty of shopping bags and when in doubt, have extra!
8)  LAST MINUTE/EMERGENCY TOUCH UP KIT:  Trust me, you'll NEED this.  There's no question about it.  The only question is WHEN you'll need it, but not IF...  I like to load up on Scotch tape, glue gun, super glue, extra paper to make labels, scissors, pliers, extra 4" and 6" metal spring clamps, screw drivers, pens, pencil, marker, small hammer, hanging hooks, Windex, paper towels or towel, dust cloth and anything else you can think of that would help in situations where everything can and will go wrong with your lovely setup.
9)  MY TABLET w/KINDLE:  I need visual and mental stimuli at all times, so yup, I bring a story or two to festivals.  I can't tolerate sitting around, numb and bored as everyone else slaps bugs on the back of their necks in those tiny, sweaty, germ breeding grounds known as tents. 

9)  SOAP:  Speaking of germs! I prefer soap over antibacterial hand gel, but I typically bring both together.  It's a must when touching all that cash and being around so many people. 
10)  DEODORANT:  Speaking of sweating!   Need I say more?

11)  A HAT:  To keep me cool, avoid skin damaging sun rays and prevent wrinkles.
12)  SNACKS:  Festival food isn't the healthiest stuff to eat.  Let's be honest-- it's loaded with animal fat, sugar, preservatives and all things toxic to the body.  It's worse than the most nefarious fast food out there.  Not to mention it's ridiculously expensive!  Gross!  Why would you pay $5 for a disgusting, deep fried, 2 day old pastry?  Save money and calories.  Bring your fresh fruit, trail mix and nuts, instead!  

13)   DENTAL CARE KIT:  Well we all need a little something after a bunch of trail mix!  Imagine indulging in nuts, berries and greens with no toothbrush or gum, trying to sell to passersby?  The nuts in my teeth will scare them all off!  
 My dental care kit consists of:  Mini toothbrush, mini toothpaste, mini floss stick, mini mouthwash, pack of gum.  

 14)  FIRST AID KIT:  You never know when you'll need this and it's best to have it at all times.  This should include change of clothes and aspirin.  I also include B12 vitamins and energy drink powders for moments of summer heat-induced lethargy and chocolate espresso shake mix for a winter pick-me-up.

15)  SPF 50:  YES, I'm Latina, but I'm not olive complected like my stunning family members :(  I am the only hazel-eyed yellow bone out of all of us, with blonde and semi-ginger kids.

16)  BUTT PILLOW:  Yep, that's right-- I said butt pillow!  You try sitting on your butt bone for 8+ hours on a hard chair and not feeling any discomfort!  No more butt bone bruising for me, no ma'am!  It also keeps the lower back properly aligned.
17)  LIP BALM:  I'm constantly cracking a smile at patrons.  But my smile wouldn't look so pretty with cracking, peeling skin on my lips!  In the heat of summer or the iciness of winter, I especially need lip balm.  I can't go a day without it.

18)  LOTION:  For me, lotion is an essential.  I cannot stand to have dry skin-- especially my hands-- when I'm outside for an extended period of time.  
19)   MASCARA:  Because mascara makes you look like a dreamier version of yourself.

20) WINE:   Because wine makes you feel like a dreamier version of yourself.  ;)


My New Addiction: Delicious White Wine Mustards


It's FOODIE FRIDAY!  Today's Friday Fare is about complementary condiments!
As a kitchen artisan, foodie and wino, I can't think of anything more perfect to complement my delicious dishes than my latest obsession:  
Maille White Wine Mustard Trio!
This is the perfect gift for the gourmet cook in your life.  Not only are these mustards so prettily packaged (I can't get over the Parisian Bistro/Picnic look), but they pack a powerful yet delicate flavor kick, too!  They each have their own unique blend of herbs and spices in addition to crisp white wine, and you can't just love one-- you must adore all three!

Maille describes their delectable white wine mustard threesome as, "Inspired by the current renaissance of the iconic Parisian Bistro, Maille has created three fresh new flavors for Spring/Summer 2015 to capture the vibrancy of France’s hottest food scene."

Well, slap a striped sweater on me and call me Parisian!  
I am feeling l'amour for this toothsome trinity. 

Fine herbs and white wine mustard

"Mustard with White wine and Fine herbs: Experience this elegantly classic French herb combination with parsley, chives, tarragon and chervil releasing their wonderful flavors."

Lemon, garlic and white wine mustard

 "Mustard with White wine, Lemon and Garlic: A classic combination of lemon and garlic that endures in many different cuisines and one that complements and enhances a vast range of dishes."

 "Roasted onions, wild thyme and white wine mustard: A flavor sensation for a Sunday roast or with any sticky-roasted and grilled meats."


 This mustard collection's tastebud-tickling experience inspired me so much, that I decided to create my own Tuscan and Spaniard style "Red Wine Ménage à trois" as a darker, more robust counterpart to the white wine set to complete my European fare affair.  I also couldn't resist adding some German flavor to the mix.

Below are the recipes and preparation instructions are at the very bottom... 

Bon Appétit, Manga, Buen Provecho and Guten Appetit!

Enjoy With: Salmon or Chicken
1/2 Cup black mustard seeds
1/4 Cup yellow mustard seeds
1/2 cup Ménage à trois Red Wine Blend
1 Cup Aged Balsamic vinegar
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 Tbs grated parmesan cheese
1 Tbs sugar
2 tsp salt
1 Tbs dried Basil
1 Tbs dried Oregano 
1 Tbs Crushed Pine Nuts


Enjoy With: Beef or Shrimp

1/2 Cup black mustard seeds
1/4 Cup yellow mustard seeds
1/2 cup Ménage à trois Red Wine Blend
1 Cup Red Wine vinegar
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
2 Tbs sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbs Fresh Mint
1 Tbs Fresh Chopped Cilantro
1 Tbs Fresh Lemon Juice 
1 tsp Adobo Seasoning 
1 Tbs Mrs. Dash tomato, basil & garlic seasoning 


Enjoy With: Sausage or Pork

1/2 Cup black mustard seeds
1/4 Cup yellow mustard seeds
1/2 cup Ménage à trois Red Wine Blend
1/2 cup Green Cabbage
1 Cup Red Sherry vinegar
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 Tbs sugar
2 tsp Kosher Salt
1 Tbs Onion Powder
1 Tbs Garlic Powder
1 Tbs Caraway Seeds 

1 Tbs French's Dry Dijon Mustard Powder 
1 Tbs Backwoods Smoked Sausage Seasoning


In a glass container, combine mustard seeds with red wine and vinegar.  Let sit 48 hours with liquid covering the seeds.
    Combine seeds, liquid and remaining ingredients in a food processor.  Process until whipped and creamy (about 5 minutes).
    Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 week prior to use, to allow the aromatic flavors to meld together.
 Serve and enjoy!  It should last approximately three weeks. 





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